Monday 16 January 2017

Nigerian men only want one thing – 24-year-old lady speaks

A girl does not have a habit of rushing things in a relationship, but the guys are really turned off by such behaviour. She wonders if there are any decent men among Nigerians.
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I'm a 24-year-old girl raised in a conservative family. I don't have a habit of dressing like a girl of easy virtue, still a virgin because I don't want to hook up with someone just for the sake of sex. And I'm having a tough time, because, as far as I can see, Nigerian guys are really into drinking and getting laid, every weekend with a new girl.
I've only had one serious relationship, but he moved to another country, and we couldn't get over the distance. Since then, whenever I start seeing a guy, in a month or so, he suddenly decides that we've come to the point when a couple would usually have sex. It's not like I don't want to, I just don't think it's right. When I hold out, the guys lose interest. This has happened to me with about five guys in the past two years.
Tell me, what do I do? Should I wait for the One, or just lose it and start hooking up casually? Are Nigerian guys worth the effort?

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